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    'Leeds Loves Shopping' Launch

    Leeds Design Talent On Display Last night the Hebe Media team attended the launch event of 'Leeds Loves Shopping', a festival organised by Marketing Leeds and Leeds City Council. The event was designed to give the press a chance to meet and talk to some of the main people involved in the festival, such as Leeds Fashion Show, Leeds Rocks and some of the organisers. 

    The thing that we liked most about the evening was the attention given to Leeds-based talent. Many Leeds designers showcased examples of their work and chatted with bloggers and reporters about the part they will play in the event. It gave me a chance to catch up with James Steward, who I consider one of the best designers we have in the city, and to talk about what he hoped to get out of the festival and also more long term aims (more on this in the coming weeks).

    Leeds Fashion Show and Leeds Rocks are events that form two of the real stand out 'pilars' of the festival. Leeds Fashion show is now in it's 5th year and is going from strength to strength. This year it will be held at Leeds Museum on Tuesday, October 19th and will again feature the 'Leeds Designer of The Year Award' which was won by Rav Matharu last year. The people behind this show are something special: dedicated, talented and very ambitious. It is my hope that we as a city, can support this project in a big way moving forward.

    Leeds Rocks is a new event, which will showcase some of the best Leeds creative talent in fashion, music, dance and art. The event will be held at Saviles Hall (Clarence Dock) on Friday 15th October. Details of the event are been kept pretty secret at the moment but we all have high hopes that the team behind it will create a special show.

    Hebe Media's Shang Ting With Lomo & Pimms!Hebe Media's Stacey With The Gorgeous Cupcakes!


     There are still some plans to be finalised like the 'Merrion Centre Fashion Show', which seems interesting/strange but we are glad that during the ten day festival there seems to be some exposure and much needed help for the independent and vintage scene in Leeds and that is most definitely the part of 'Leeds Loves Shopping' that excites us the most.

    We must also at this stage say a big "thank you" to Birds Yard and others for the cool goodie bags (separate blog post coming about the bags!) and to the organisers of last night's event for some very nice nibbles and Pimms. 


    Ellen von Unwerth


    There are moments we can all feel tired and down, then a bit of Ellen von Unwerth always reminds me how powerful and beautiful girls can be. -Stp


    Knight And Day Film Review

    Cameron and Tom in Seville amid the running of the bulls! Yikes!

    The Plot: Roy Miller (Tom Cruise) is  a secret agent involved in a deadly federal investigation and he accidently involves June Haven (Cameron Diaz), a hopeless romantic who is en route to her sisters wedding. Once June is brought into the chaos, both Roy and June find themselves being chased and must work together to not be killed. But in such a deadly game the most important thing between these two strangers is that June trusts Roy, but can she trust him?

    My opinion: I saw this film last night and wasn't expecting too much, especially from Cameron Diaz. I mean don't get me wrong, I used to love her before The Holiday and The Box but lost faith during The Holiday due to her scenes alone when she would talk to herself in a cheesy way, whilst Kate Winslet, Jude Law and Jack Black made the film very watchable and romantic. Just as I predicted, in Knight and Day, she was as cheesy as ever with yet even more scenes of her having a one person conversation in a mirror or in a car for example. This issue actually wasn't too bad as the film was quite lighthearted and fun so I will let this minor irritation slide. Cameron is very funny and looks fabulous as always. The guys will love the bikini scenes as much as the girls will love Tom Cruise's topless scenes! Both of them really do work out! Tom cruise in particular did most of his own stunts in this film. Cruise is brilliant: He is funny, a great actor and lovable. His scenes with Cameron worked well and their onscreen chemistry was sweet and fun.

    Best scene/s: Definitely the scenes where Roy drugs June. I was in absolute stitches in the cinema.

    Rating: 3.5/5 It is a great action rom-com and it is definitely better than the likes of the Bounty Hunter and some of the other stuff I have seen released recently (sorry Gerard Butler and Jen Aniston, I love you both but switched it off half way through!)

    Venue: The Showcase cinema towards Batley, Leeds (just off the M621) was actually very quiet on a Monday night at around 7pm. It was nice and there is also a student discount if you have a valid NUS card. A whole pound less! The snacks, in total, cost as much as the tickets and we shared a drink but the food is still slightly cheaper than the Vue cinemas in Kirkstall and The Light Leeds. All in all, a good night and, although we passed it up last night , there is a Nandos just next door :-)


    Vision For Leeds 2030 - DIY Style

    Last week I attended a very interesting event: Vision For Leeds - DIY Style, organised by T4P. The event took place in Leeds at the DLA Piper LLP building and to quote the organisers: 

    This event, for people working in the business sector, is one of a series of small events playing around the edges of the official Vision for Leeds 2030* process – stimulated by it, contributing to it… and challenging it!

    • What makes cities great places - to work in, to thrive in, to live life to the full?
    • What’s your dream for how this city might be in the future?
    • What might we then do to help Leeds become all it can be?

    We started by talking about why we were there and what we hoped to achieve by coming to the event. The answers were mixed: some people focused on transport, others spoke of narrowing the social gap, others spoke from a business angle, some just wanted to talk about Leeds and this was perhaps their best chance of being heard. All in all the group seemed enthusiastic, intelligent and wanted to help the city.

    Picture From Tamara @

    During the session we spoke about when we personally were most happy in the city, and what circumstances facilitated or contributed to that feeling. I spoke about our recent project with the Barcelona online community (blog post to come on this next week) and how it made me very happy to open the doors of our city and it's fashion/culture to an international audience. Some of the other stories evoked great memories such as talk of the Lord Mayor's Parade and other events where the city was alive and the community engaged.

    The talk inevitably turned towards the council and city planners. We spoke about some of the barriers that are in place and what we can do to remove them. We also spoke of the 'brand' and 'story' of the city: What is Leeds? What are we good at? What is great about the city?

    All in all the evening was very interesting, but for me the next question is: What do we do about it? Do we keep talking, or do we act? Do we wait for the council to tell us it is ok to do things, or do we do things anyway? How can the private sector of the city work together more effectively and collaborate on mutually beneficial projects?

    I have a lot of ideas in this area and am currently meeting with lots of people who have an important role to play in the future of the city. If we can all work together, collaborate and take a few risks... this difficult economic climate could have just helped to stimulate the best thing to happen in the city for a long time, and I for one am excited!


    A Perverse Library: a major exhibition of 'conceptual writing' comes to Yorkshire next month

    “Writing is fifty years behind painting.” (Brion Gysin, 1959)

    A major exhibition of ‘conceptual writing’ is coming to Yorkshire next month. A Perverse Library is the first exhibition of its kind in the UK and will - according to curator Simon Morris - “show work by a generation of artists who have sought a radical reconsideration of the relationship between literature and the visual arts”.

    Image, Scott Myles: Full Stop 2006 © the artist. The last full stop in Tristram Shandy from the first edition, blown up using photomicography at the University of Glasgow

    Appropriately, the exhibition will take place at Shandy Hall, Coxwold: the former home of the celebrated 18th-century English writer Laurence Sterne (author of The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman), whose experimental spirit has had an astounding and continuing influence on the arts.

    A Perverse Library draws from collections of work by internationally renowned artists and writers including: Kathy Acker, Ed Ruscha, Jen Bervin, Christian Bök, Kenneth Goldsmith, James Joyce, On Kawara, Sherrie Levine and the recent Northern Art Prize winner, Pavel Büchler.

    The exhibition starts on 04 September 2010, and will run right through to 31 October 2010. There are a number of free bus services running between York train station and Shandy Hall. Click here to find out more, and to book your place before they all go!

    Étienne-Louis Boullée, Deuxieme projet pour la Bibliothèque du Roi (1785), used on the cover of Craig Dworkin's new book 'The Perverse Library'. Dworkin's collection of more than 2,000 volumes forms the centre piece of the exhibition in Coxwold.

    Questions about what and where writing is have always cut through and across the fields of philosophy, literary criticism and the arts. Whilst these questions are not new, nor specific to any one place, they have emerged as an essential concern for the Western European and American avant-garde.

    Driven by 200 years of radical social change, ‘writing’ in the arts has continued to nourish an extremely rich field of praxis. Its discourses are irreducibly complex and beyond simple definition or catagorisation.

    In part this is due to the breadth of work being progressed by individuals with wide ranging imperatives, working in equally diverse ways: Gertrude Stein to William James to Ezra Pound to James Joyce to Berthold Brecht to Samuel Beckett to Allen Ginsberg to John Cage to Roland Barthes to Jacques Derrida to Christian Bok to Steve McCaffery to Joanna Drucker to David Mamet to Caroline Bergvall to Jerome Bell to Craig Dworkin to Tim Etchells to Gillian Wearing to Mark Manders to Kenneth Goldsmith and on and on, and to name but a fraction of those who’s ideas continue to feed this nebulous and intangible ecology of ideas.

    The complexity is owed also to the depth of critical thinking that questions about writing have fostered, couched in vocabularies that are often challenging, and often deliberately so: demanding the reader to renegotiate their relationship to the ‘text’.

    Terms like conceptual writing, performance writing, writing with art, text based art, language art, l-a-n-g-u-a-g-e poetry, artists’ publishing etc… are only some of the terms used to describe only some of the outlets for these practices. Historically these terms have sat in opposition to traditional literary modes, as well to notions of new or creative writing, which have been favored by the mainstream.

    In recent years the output of artists working in what the writer, Claire MacDonald has called “an expanded field of writing practice” have occupied public spaces, galleries, theatres, studios, libraries etc., and become manifest as books, pages, journals, multiples, paintings, scores, computer applications, sculptures, audio recordings, films, videos, performances, actions, events and ephemera etc. 

    Image, architectural drawings of the 'invisible shelves' designed by Canadian architect Michael Farion,

    In A Perverse Library the output occupies writing, or the idea of writing itself. By adopting strategies of appropriation and/or rip-off “we are seeing whole texts moved around from one location to another. It is not just sampling language but moving entire texts from space to another”, as Simon Morris puts it. “I think there's something quite exciting about making new meaning whilst using exactly the same words as an other.”

    If you are interested in knowing more about this field of art / writing practice then A Perverse Library is definitely an exhibition, even the exhibition not to be missed. If you do miss it though, we will be sure to get lots and lots of photos and video from the grand opening, which organisers have in the spirit of Sterne put the night before the exhibition closes.