The Back to Basics exhibition will feature a special piece of work, created for the exhibition by Leeds expat Paul Fryer. While doing some research into Paul's work and his relationship to Leeds, we stumbled upon this gem of a video from The Kit Kat Club, which spawned the legendary Vague. To quote the video description:
"The Kit Kat Club, filmed in 1992 on 16mm. It was assembled with a selection of tracks that the lucky members of the club might well have heard at the time. The KKC was created by Paul Fryer and Suzy Mason as an antidote to the impersonal and often malevolent night clubs that were the grotty and uninspiring norm at that time, and was brought into being by them in association with Peter Master and the late Paul Lamont. The KKC had a cigarette girl, a cage, blue cocktails and cheap champagne, a variety act most weeks, a cage for dancing in and some very glamorous and funny clientele. The club later transmogrified into the legendary Leeds mixed club vague, who's history is a little better documented. I hope you enjoy this little piece of club history, with my Best Wishes, Paul Fryer (thanks Howard Storey for finding the footage, this short was created from rushes of the Cud video Purple Love Balloon, which was filmed in the KKC and directed by Chris Madden and produced by Steve Shone.)"
We have much more coming on Back to Basics and Paul Fryer in the next couple of weeks as the exhibition begins proper!
Simon and Dave working on the Back2Basics exhibition
2.8 Days Later media judges screening
ICS Pimpin
Shang-Ting helping out with the Back2Basics exhibition
Happy chinese new year! Celebrating with a 'BBQ'
Years Of Back2Basics
We love charming things like this around the city!
Great Monday meeting with some great young minds, nice food too :)
Our good luck gift from Dave Beer
Market Sweeties are for winners!
Despite their rubbish chargers, we can't resist
DJ MAG article on best flyers ever... good timing!
Billy Bad-Ass returning to form with the brandy ;)
ICS Playing Back to Basics 20th Birthday Bash Last Weekend (Sound is not great but enjoy!)
Howard Marks playing some 50's music in Basics!
Pritch (Dirty Sanchez) having a laugh @ Basics
STP and Pritch
Coffee and Christmas trees at Out Of The Woods
Awesome library
More of Lee's toys!
Trip to London!
Awesome print from Thought Bubble
Matt and Harvey start 2.8 Days Later with some workshops
Our Simon interviews Matt about 2.8 Days Later
Group shot of some of the 2.8 gang!
The 2.8 Days Later mascot, Frankie
We nipped over to Clarence Dock for a bit of Thought Bubble action!
Ace photo of Jimmy Savile and The Beatles in Saviles Hall
That's a wrap folks!
The moment everything is handed in!
Awesome win for Leeds as well :)
Bye bye Bridgewater place! Where has it gone!