24 hours in Stockholm

Stockholm is one of the coolest cities in the world, and is home to a number of our friends and collaborators. Lee and I headed over in August 2011 to start planning for a big creative clash between cool kids from the UK and Sweden.
We've added a new gallery charting our 24 hour trip.
We also took the opportunity to hook up with our buddies at Hyper Island, and to spend a few hours planning our next bit of work with them, which we will announce this week! They're in a temporary space at the minute, whilst their HQ is being updated, and it was a bit of a mission to find our way to the inner sanctum. It was well worth the effort though, and seriously inspiring to be immersed in the buzz of awesomeness emanating from crowds of digibods, all sharing ideas about ways to solve problems handed down to them by the likes of Google, Nokia and Oxfam. A talk was underway as we left and the last thing I saw were projected words, thrown onto the wall in front of 200 students: "disruption doesn't ask permission".
Team Léve did us the full tour of Stockholm city, and we did our own bit of disruptive thinking over a few beers. The agenda (once we'd got over Marcus's new face friend - beards seem to be having a major revival in Sweden right now) was all about our Creative Encounter between our networks from Stockholm, Leeds and Manchester. More to follow on this one very soon... we'll give you a moment of two to get strapped in first!