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    I saw this picture of Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Goole the other day at GeekSugar, they were talking about his shoes. Yes, it's a pair of shoes, not toe socks.

    They remind me of Vivienne Westwood's moulded toe shoes. Where as the Vivienne Westwood Mary Jane's 'toe-look' is purely for style, the Vibram FiveFingers MOC ($110) apparently helps to correct and align your spine.

    On their website you can see it's also designed to create a barefoot feeling. I can't help wondering, by the time my spine is corrected and aligned, will my toes be broken by running kids and supermarket trolleys?




    Reader Comments (2)

    Have you seen Beech Sandals too? They have toe separators to spread your toes out! Great for pedi's and bunions!

    September 16, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrebecca

    HI, Rebecca. I didn't know the Beach Sandals until you told me, and it looks great! I never like flip flops hurting my feet, but these doesn't look like it will!

    September 21, 2010 | Registered CommenterShang Ting Peng

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