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    Leeds Street Style: 15/02/2011


    Top: Topshop
    Coat: Vintage
    Shoes: Russell & Bromley
    Bag: ZARA
    Scarf: Primark
    Tights/ Socks: H&M
    Grace's favorite Leeds shop: Aqua Couture


    Top: Rebel8
    Bottom: Nudie Jeans
    Jacket: Crooks & Castle
    Shoes: Vans SK8 HI
    John's favorite Leeds independent shop: Chimp


    Coat: Vintage Gap
    Bottom: H&M
    Shoes: Gap

    My Notes: 

    I love both girl's oversized coat/ jacket, because of the fit it really shows off how tiny they are. 
    The other day Vintage Wardrobe's Kieran asked me if I found wearing oversized vintage clothing difficult? And like I said in previous Street Style post, I thought the easiest way is to show neck, wrist, legs, or ankles to steady the proportion. 
    Women can use layers, jewellery to create different looks. Men, on the other hand, should care more about the quality of the clothes their wearing. 

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